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I do research in Mathematics Education with particular focus on post-secondary mathematics education.


Most of my research has been so far on the teaching and learning of differential and integral calculus.


My current project concerns what we came to name mathematical behaviours. The goals are

  • to construct a characterization of these behaviours that allows us to account for what professional mathematicians do (in academia, as well as in the public and private sectors);

  • to reflect on how these behaviours may be fostered and developed in institutional educational environments (such as a university); and

  • to design a methodological approach that may allow us to talk about, and report on, these behaviours as they emerge in institutional educational environments (such as the classroom).


For now... we are exploring Dewey's theory of experience, enactivist perspectives, narrative inquiry, and ethnographic methods, as well as all the literature on mathematical and theoretical thinking and habits of mind...

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